The past few weeks, my roommates and I have been in the process of moving out, and Friday is the final farewell to our third-story, 900 sq. ft. home. I'm the last to leave, and when I walked through the door the other night to silence, only-white walls, and maybe too much space, I experienced some nudges of slow panic and isolation bubbling to the surface of my gut. But gradually, as the newly found quiet side of the apartment and I have gotten to know each other, this week has become a space for recovery, preparation, and reflection from the past few years, for an upcoming trip, and for the transition ahead (cheers to post-graduate life!). All of the sudden, familiar living spaces have produced new looks from the removal of two year's worth of stuff and chaotic flutter of move-out madness. I'll turn around now and again, surprised and delighted by the company of beauty snippets that sit quietly in the corner or on the mantle, waiting to be found.